Monday, August 31, 2020

Final Flight of the 116th Fighter Wing

 By Maj. William Carraway

Historian, Georgia Army National Guard


More than 300 Georgia National Guard Airmen, family and friends attended the ceremony marking the final flight of the F-15 Eagles Aug. 30, 1995.
Georgia National Guard Archives.

Twenty-two years of Georgia Air National Guard history came to an end August 30, 1995 with the ceremonial final flight of four F-15 Eagles of the 116th Fighter Wing. The flight heralded the end of the 116th Fighter Wing and the beginning of its transition to a bomb wing.

“It’s tough, particularly for people who have been fighter pilots all their lives,” said Col. Bruce MacLane, commander of the 116th.[1] MacLane, a 30-year veteran of the Air Force and Ga. Air National Guard, led the flight which took off from Dobbins Air Reserve Base just after 2:00 pm. Joining him on the mission were Lt. Col. Bob Doehling, Lt. Col Rich Zatorski and Maj. Tom Jordan.

Georgia Air National Guard Maj. Tom Jordan, Lt. Col. Bob Doehling and Lt. Col. Rich Zatorski before the symbolic last flight of the 116th Fighter Wing’s F-15
aircraft August 30, 1995. Atlanta Constitution photo by John Spink.

“It leaves a big empty feeling to see the Eagles go,” said Jordan reflecting on the flight. Jordan, like many pilots of the 116th had flown the F-15 his entire career. The twin-tailed fighter interceptor was assigned to the 116th in 1986 and was the fourth fighter jet in the wing’s history. MacLane, who joined the wing in 1973 was one of two pilots to have flown the F-100 Super Sabre, F-4 Phantom, F 105 Wild Weasel and the F-15[2]. From 1973 to 1995, the 116th deployed four times as a fighter unit, participated in two William Tell fighter competitions and earned an unprecedented nine Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards. The final award was conferred in part for the tactics the 116th developed for employment of the Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile that were implemented across the Air Force by F-15 pilots.[3]

The Georgia Air National Guard’s 116th Tactical Fighter Wing receives the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award during a ceremony at Dobbins
Air Force Base May 21, 1977, its second since the 116th FW converted from a transport mission in 1973. Georgia National Guard Archives
The final flight represented more than just change of aircraft. With the transfer of the F-15s to the Florida Air National Guard, the 116th would relocate from Dobbins Air Reserve Base, its home of 40 years, to Robins AFB, convert to the 116th Bomb Wing and begin flying the B-1 Lancer. The change of mission and station was part of a larger force structure realignment by which the U.S. Air Force began transferring traditional active duty missions to the Guard and Reserve. Rumors had swirled for months before the May 1993 announcement heralded the conversion and move. In late 1993, the wing’s allotment of fighters was reduced from 24 to 18.[4] By 1996, the personnel strength of the 116th had dropped from 1,250 to 1,100. Of 32 pilots assigned, only ten elected to relocate closer to Robins. For pilots such as Capt. Roger Griffith who had more than 800 hours in the F-15, the prospect of moving to had to be balanced against a full-time aviation career based out of Atlanta’s Hartsfield Airport.[5]

A B-1 Lancer of the 116th Bomb Wing commanded by Col. Bob Doehling departs Dobbins Air Reserve Base in September 2001. Georgia National Guard Archives.

Chief Master Sgt. Don Barber, Command Chief of the Ga. Air National Guard, writing in April 1995, recognized the challenges facing the Ga. ANG and praised Georgia’s Citizen Airmen for their esprit de corps in the face of unprecedented force structure changes.

“While we all must support and meet the missions assigned to the Air National Guard, I can assure you that commanders are giving top priority to meeting the needs of our people as we plan for the future,” wrote Barber.[6]

The 116th Bomb Wing would fly the B-1 for six years. On October 1, 2002, the 116th and active duty 93rd Air Control Wing were reorganized as the 116th Air Control Wing, the first such combined unit in the history of the Air Force.[7] As the largest wing Air Force with 2,700 assigned personnel, the 116th ACW assumed the unique Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System mission.

[1] Baldowski, Ken. “Fighter Era Ends For 116th, F-15 Eagles Fly Last Flight” Georgia Guardsman Magazine Spring 1996, 6.

[2] “116th History Long, Colorful”. Georgia Guardsman Magazine, September 1993, 6.

[3] “116th Receives Outstanding Air Force Unit Award.” Georgia Guardsman Magazine, Spring 1996, 3.

[4] “What About the 116th?” Georgia Guardsman Magazine, September 1993, 4.

[5] “Reaction to the Plan.” Georgia Guardsman Magazine, Sept. 1993, 6.

[6] “Keeping up with Opportunity.” Georgia Guardsman Magazine, April 1995, 2.

[7] Martz, Ron. “New Air Guard Mission” The Atlanta Journal Constitution. June 23, 2002, A5.

Friday, August 28, 2020

48th Infantry Division Concludes Final Annual Training Aug. 28, 1955

By Maj. William Carraway

Historian, Ga. Army National Guard


Armor units of the 48th Infantry Division gather at Camp Stewart for Annual Training July 24 to Aug. 7, 1955. Georgia National Guard Archives.

The 48th Infantry Division, comprised of National Guard Soldiers from Georgia and Florida, conducted its final annual training in July and August 1955 before converting to an armor division in October. The armor units of the 48th conducted annual training at Camp Stewart, Georgia, while the infantry, artillery, engineers, and specialty units trained at Fort McClellan, Alabama.

Camp Stewart, August 2, 1955 - Observing the tactics of other tanks in the area, the Georgia National Guard Soldiers of Fitzgerald's Company B, 190th Tank Battalion stand beside the turret of their M-47 tank. Left to right:  Pfc. Gerald Hilton, Master Sgt. Orvil Thompson, Sgt. William Reeves, Sgt. Maurice Swanson and 1st Lt. Thomas Clayton. Georgia National Guard Archives.

Camp Stewart[1]

From July 24 to August 7, the armor units of the Georgia Army National Guard plowed over the trails and through the pines of Camp Stewart during summer maneuvers. Lieutenant Colonel Wesley D. Willingham’s 190th Tank Battalion was joined by the tank companies of the 121st and 122nd Infantry Regiments as well as the 48th Reconnaissance Company. It was the first and last times these units would train together before the conversion of the 48th to an armor division. The training was thus observed with keen interest by division officers who would soon be called upon to lead units through the conversion from an infantry to an armor-based force.


Staff officers of the 190th Tank Battalion discuss training objectives during annual training at Camp Stewart July 24 to Aug. 7, 1955. Pointing to the map is Lt. Col. Wesley Willingham, commander of the 190th. The other officers are Maj. Jessie Reeves, executive officer, Maj. Ralph Spear, National Guard Inspection Board and Maj. George Darden, adjutant.

The armor units arrived the evening of July 24 and conducted movement the next morning with their M47 Patton tanks to the western portion of Camp Stewart near the present location of Glisson’s pond.  Field maneuvers consumed the first week of training by and concluded with a visit by Maj. Gen. George Hearn, Georgia’s Adjutant General and Brig. Gen. Charlie Camp, Assistant Adjutant General for the Ga. ARNG.

Major General George Hearn, Georgia's Adjutant General reviews tanks of the 190th Tank Battalion with its commander, Lt. Col. Wesley Willingham July 28, 1955 at Camp Stewart.  Georgia National Guard Archives.

In the second week, the tankers took to the firing ranges for four days of gunnery tables. After returning from the ranges, the Soldiers enjoyed one day of fishing and swimming before returning to home stations.

Georgia National Guard Soldiers of the LaGrange-based 48th Reconnaissance Company lift a .50 machine gun out of a crate prior to installing it on one of their tanks during annual training at Camp Stewart August 2, 1955. The Soldiers are Cpl. Denny Sprayberry, Pvt. Ed Bledsoe, Pvt. Jerry Adkins, Sgt. Same Kelly, Master Sgt. James Launders and Pvt. Thomas Phillip. Georgia National Guard Archives.

In the two-week annual training, the four companies of the 190th Tank Battalion, tank companies of the 121st and 122nd Infantry Regiments and 48th Reconnaissance Company expended 3,500 rounds of 90 mm ammunition and consumed 22,000 gallons of gasoline. All line companies received effectiveness ratings of “excellent” at the end of the training period.

Fort McClellan[2]

On August 14, the remaining units of the 48th Infantry Division arrived in their familiar training areas at Camp McClellan, near Gadsden, Ala. The 48th Division had conducted annual training at McClellan since 1951, and its Soldiers swiftly set up billets, supply and command tents. Whether by design of the command and staff of the 48th Division, or by happy coincidence, the Sunday morning arrival of the division meant that if the Soldiers completed all billeting and camp set up assignments in timely fashion they would be released to watch movies at the post theater that evening. Thus, annual training at McClellan began with a feverish burst of activity followed by an evening of entertainment before the class and fieldwork began.

Georgia National Guard Soldiers of the Reidsville-based Company E, 560th Engineer Battalion construct a bailey bridge during annual training at Fort McClellan August 17, 1955.  Left to right:  Sgt. 1st Class Barry Stubbs, Master Sgt. Sullivan Smith Jr. and Master Sgt. Jack Durrely, all of Glennville, Ga.  Georgia National Guard Archives.

Monday morning kicked off with the units conducting committee training. This training approach brought together specialized unit sections such as motor sections and service companies for common training tasks. Medical platoons from various units conducted collective training while headquarters companies participated in a command post exercise. The 560th Engineer Battalion received specialized training in combat engineer tasks such as mine laying and obstacle breaching while McClellan’s ranges welcomed machine gunners and recoilless rifle sections of the 121st and 122nd Infantry Regiments for anti-tank practice.

Georgia National Guard Soldiers of Company H, 121st Infantry Regiment engage targets with M1917 machine guns during annual training at Fort McClellan, Ala. August 17, 1955. Pictured are Sgt. 1st Class Quinton Slaughter, Pfc. Hubert Drew, Pct. Ronald Ponsell and Pvt. Leman Hutchinson. Georgia National Guard Archives.

The second week of annual training brought the Soldiers to the field. The 560th Engineer Battalion practiced construction of trestle and bailey bridges and infantry units took to the fields for maneuver while the cacophony of howitzer fire from the 48th Division Artillery echoed through the hills.

Georgia National Guard field artillery units of the 48th Infantry Division conduct fire missions at Fort McClellan, Ala. during annual training in August 1955. Georgia National Guard Archives.

August 20 featured the traditional parade and awards ceremony of Governor’s Day as Georgia’s Governor, Marvin Griffin, reviewed the entire division alongside Florida's Governor, Thomas Collins. The governors presented awards to units for marksmanship and training excellence before witnessing a pass in review of the entire division. The summer heat shortened the ceremony whereupon Maj. Gen. Joseph Fraser, commanding general of the 48th ID, and Maj. Gen. Hearn briefed the governor on the proposed unit structure of the new 48th Armor Division.

Georgia Governor Marvin Griffin presents the Governor's Trophy to 1st Lt. John Birchall, commanding officer of Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 122nd Infantry Regiment during Governor's Day activities at Fort McClellan, Ala. August 20, 1955. The Governor's Trophy was awarded to the unit with the best combined scores in the rifle competition.  Georgia National Guard Archives.

On the final day of annual training, August 28, 1955, the 48th ID departed Fort McClellan for the last time. Many of the officers left with training reservations already established for the armored course at Fort Knox while other senior commissioned and non-commissioned leaders received a glimpse of the future on the dusty trails of Camp Stewart.

Captain William Salem, commander of the Lyons-based Company A, 286th Infantry Battalion instructs his Soldiers while on field training at Fort McClellan, Ala. August 16, 1955. Georgia National Guard Archives.

Most of the 48th ID’s infantry companies would be reorganized as armor units in the coming weeks. Soldiers from the 286th Infantry Battalion, which had only been organized in 1953[3], would constitute the 160th Tank Battalion. The companies of the 121st and 122nd Infantry Regiments, which dated back to 1917, would be broken up and reorganized across the state.[4] The Macon headquarters of the 121st Infantry Regiment would serve as the Headquarters and Headquarters Company of Combat Command B while the Atlanta-based 122nd Infantry Regiment would see its headquarters company reorganized to form Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Combat Command C. The reorganization would ultimately impact 97 units in 45 communities across the state.[5]


[1] “Georgia's Armored Units Exercise Tanks at Camp Stewart”. The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, August/September 1955, 12.

[3] NG AROTO 325.4 October 15, 1953

[4] NG AROTO 325.4 October 17, 1955

[5] “48th Armored Division and 160th Armored Group Approved by NGB”. The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, August/September 1955, 3.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Thirty-Five Years of Volunteer Service: The Ga. State Defense Force, 1985-2020

By Maj. William Carraway

Historian, Georgia Army National Guard

Seventy men and six women swore into the newly organized Ga. State Defense Force during a ceremony at the Georgia National Guard headquarters in Atlanta, August 24, 1985. Major General Joseph W. Griffin, Adjutant General of Georgia, presided over the ceremony and addressed the new SDF volunteers.[1]

“I applaud each and every one of you as true patriots,” said Griffin. “Because you are volunteers, you are showing the true spirit and dedication to tradition first displayed in Lexington and Concord in 1775.”[2]

Volunteers of the Ga. State Guard in 1945. Georgia National Guard Archives.

During his remarks, Griffin noted that one of the main considerations in establishing the SDF was the anticipation of an increased role of the National Guard and Reserve as deployable forces to augment active service components. This concern echoed the events of 1940 when Governor E. D. Rivers established the State Defense Corps, forerunner of the SDF, in anticipation of the possible deployment of 5,100 Georgia National Guard Soldiers. Ryburn G. Clay was appointed to command the SDC on June 23, 1940.[3] Less than three months later, Georgia’s National Guard units activated into federal service and dispatched to training camps such as Fort Jackson and Camp Blanding.[4] Volunteers of the Ga. SDC, which was redesignated as the Ga. State Guard in 1942, trained for homeland defense, guarded Georgia’s coast and stood ready to respond to natural disasters. Thousands of volunteers passed through the ranks of the Ga. State Guards before it was disbanded in 1947.[5]

Sept 3, 2005 - Ga. SDF Volunteers assist medical evacuees from New Orleans following the impact of Hurricane Katrina. Georgia National Guard Archives.

Since its establishment in 1985 under the command of Brig. Gen. John Gillette, the Ga. SDF has supported the Ga. DoD during state emergencies. Under the leadership of Brig. Gen. Tom Blackstock, the organization’s sixth and current commander, the Ga. SDF has performed an unprecedented variety of response missions.

Brigadier General John Gillette, first commander of the Ga. SDF and Brig. Gen. Tom Blackstock, current commander of the Ga. SDF.  Georgia Guard Archives.

“The great patriots of the Georgia State Defense Force have continued in the finest traditions of selfless service to the citizens of Georgia during the recent COVID-19 pandemic response missions,” said Blackstock. “These men and women have performed more volunteer hours in the last six months than they would typically perform in three to four years of domestic support missions. Their willingness to step up in the state's time of need is truly remarkable. I am proud to serve with so many great Georgians serving Georgians. True Patriots! Ready to Serve!”

Volunteers of the Ga. SDF distribute supplies at Second Harvest of South Georgia's point of distribution in Tifton, Ga. April 9, 2020. In a matter of hours,
more than 1,750 households received supplies through the POD operation. Photo by Sgt. Kerry Hatcher.

Like Blackstock, Maj. Gen. Tom Carden, Georgia’s Adjutant General has repeatedly praised the efforts of the Ga. SDF through the COVID-19 response.

“The Georgia State Defense Force has literally made history in their sustained response to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Carden. “The men and women of the Ga. SDF worked tirelessly in food banks, hospitals, nursing home, and at COVID-19 sample points of collection to alleviate suffering and save lives. Members of our SDF are volunteers in the truest sense of the word. I am both inspired and honored to serve with them.”

[1] “New State Defense Force Will Respond if Guard Mobilizes.” The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, Oct-Dec 1985, 3.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Atlanta Constitution, June 23, 1940.

[4] General Orders Number 13, Military Department, State of Georgia, October 7, 1941

[5] “Thompson Ends State Guard.” Atlanta Constitution, April 20, 1947, 23.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Trailblazers of the 348th BSB Case Colors at Inactivation Ceremony

 By Maj. William Carraway 

Historian, Georgia Army National Guard


Crest of the 348th BSB

The Georgia Army National Guard’s 348th Brigade Support Battalion a unit of the Columbus-based 648th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, was inactivated during a ceremony at the Clay National Guard Center in Marietta Saturday, Aug 22, 2020. Colonel Brian Ellis, commander of the 648th MEB was the keynote speaker at the ceremony.


Col. Brian Ellis
Commander, 648th MEB
Photo by Maj. William Carraway

“Today is a somber day as we case the colors of the Trailblazer Battalion, even though it reflects the normal process of change the Army makes year in and year out,” said Ellis. “That is the mechanical and unsentimental process of the Army. Units, however, are more than capabilities and effects that can be achieved on the battlefield. This is especially true of units in the National Guard… Units in the National Guard not only reflect the people that make up the units but the cities, towns and states in which they are organized."

During the ceremony, the battalion command team of Lt. Col. Charles Newton and Command Sgt. Major William Scaggs cased the battalion colors. Captain April Johnson and 1st Sgt. Eric Yates cased the colors of Headquarters Company while the colors of Company A were cased by Capt. Reggie Corbett and 1st Sgt. Olivia Singleton. Each of the commanders addressed the ceremony.


“I don’t look at it as an inactivation, said Corbett. “To me, we are dispersing excellence throughout the state. We will be able to carry on what we learned here in the rest of the Georgia National Guard.”


Capt. Reggie Corbett and 1st Sgt. Olivia Singleton case the colors of Company A, 348th BSB. Photo by Maj. William Carraway

Charles Newton, the outgoing battalion commander, recognized the Soldiers of the Trailblazer Battalion in his remarks.


“I am immensely humbled to have been your commander,” Said Newton. “We come from a proud legacy. We have never dropped a mission; we have served on foreign soil and frequently in partnership with civil authorities. As we complete our last milestone and the Trailblazer colors fly for the last time, I encourage you to remember the experiences and relationships you developed in the 348th. Deliver the Strike.  Trailblazer Six signing off.”


Lt. Col. Charles Newton and Command Sgt. Major William Scaggs case the colors of the 348th BSB. To the right, Capt. April Johnson and 1st Sgt. Eric Yates
case the colors of Headquarters Company, 348th BSB. Photo by Maj. William Carraway

The 348th BSB served as the support element for the 648th MEB throughout its existence. In addition to a headquarters company, the 348th BSB was comprised of Company A, a distribution company and Company B, a maintenance Company.

Command Sgt. Major William Scaggs with the colors
of the 348th BSB. Photo by Maj. William Carraway
 The inactivation of the 348th is part of an Army-wide force restructuring and affects all maneuver enhancement brigades in the force. The 348th Brigade Support Battalion was constituted September 1, 2009 in the Georgia Army National Guard with headquarters in Cumming, Ga., Headquarters Company and Company A were federally recognized June 3, 2010 while Company B maintained federal recognition and the lineage and honors of the Liberty Independent Troop of Hinesville. One of the oldest units in the Ga. ARNG, this company carries on the lineage of the Liberty Independent Troop, which was formed in Hinesville, Ga. in 1788, fought in World War I, and served in the Pacific theater of World War II. Company B was reorganized as the 1788th Quartermaster Company October 10, 2019[1] and was transferred from the 348th BSB to the 110th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion April 15, 2020.[2]


Throughout its history, the 348th BSB has supported the 648th MEB in training exercises at home and overseas, traveling to Korea, Romania and the country of Georgia. The 348th provided critical assistance to the Macon-based 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team during its train-up for its 2018 Afghanistan deployment and has provided logistical support during hurricane responses in Georgia and Florida. In the final days before its activation, Soldiers of the 348th continued to support COVID-19 response operations.


The 648th MEB in formation in 2015 at the National History Museum, Fort Benning, Ga. Left to right are the 878th Engineer Battalion, 1-214th Field Artillery
and 348th Brigade Support Battalion. Photo by Capt. William Carraway

[1] OA 366-19

[2] OA 090-003

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Mildred Day: First Uniformed Servicewoman of the Ga. DoD

 By Maj. William Carraway

Historian, Georgia Army National Guard

 On January 24, 1945, Mildred Day of Atlanta became the first woman to serve in a component of the Ga. Department of Defense. Day enlisted in the Georgia State Guard and served in the headquarters section of the Atlanta-based 4th Battalion.

Mildred Day is sworn into the Ga. State Guard by Lt. Col. Frank Fling, commander of the Atlanta-based
4th Battalion Jan 24, 1945. Day was the first uniformed servicewoman to serve in the Ga. State Guard
Georgia National Guard Archives.


In September 1940, General Order 13 of the Military Department of Georgia brought the Georgia National Guard en masse into federal service.[1] To fulfill the domestic response role of the National Guard, the governor established the State Defense Corps, later the State Guard – forerunner of today’s Georgia State Defense Force as an all-volunteer force akin to the home guards established by the War Department in World War I.

The ranks of the newly formed State Guard filled swiftly until the Guard boasted 20 infantry battalions for home defense, and an air squadron. These formations were constituted to handle emergency responses, riot calls and to serve the role of coastal defense and observation.[2]

Atlanta Constitution Jan 12, 1945.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 brought additional gravity to the service of the State Guard. Under the command of Lt. Col. Frank Fling, the Atlanta-based 4th Battalion responded to an ever-increasing mission demand while the recruitable population continued to funnel into the active services. The Battalion was assigned to provide security for vital installations and civil structures in the Atlanta area.

As 1944 drew to a close, the ranks of the State Guard required more able-bodied service members for the war effort in Europe and the Pacific. Faced with a literal manpower shortage, Col. R. W. Collins, commander of the State Guard, issued an appeal for volunteers to bolster the ranks. [3] On January 21, 1945, the Georgia State Guard received approval from the governor of Georgia to organize a women’s division with the mission to provide qualified administrative personnel to the various battalion headquarters across the state.[4]

Day in 1931. 
The Napsonian

Mildred Day was the first to respond to the January call for volunteers.[5] The 32-year-old Day was a 1931 graduate of North Atlanta Presbyterian School[6], which in 1951 became the Westminster School. The daughter of Lemuel and Laura Day, successful printing company owners, Day worked in department store sales and as a stenographer for the Atlanta Police Department before interviewing with Fling about opportunities at the 4th Battalion. On January 24, Fling swore Day in as a member of the Georgia State Guard with the rank of technical sergeant, equivalent to sergeant 1st class in today’s Army.

Day was the first of six women who would assist the fourth department headquarters. The women wore the uniform of the Women’s Auxiliary Corps with the Georgia State Guard Patch on their shoulder.[7]

Shoulder-sleeve insignia of the Ga.
State Guards. Ga. National Guard

The January 1945 directive authorized the enlistment of women for the expressed, and purpose of assisting with clerical work. Despite this, Day and other servicewomen accompanied the 4th Battalion on its April maneuvers at Camp Toccoa, where, in addition to their clerical duties, the women assisted on the firing range by tallying marksmanship scores.[8]

By the end of World War II, more than 100 women had volunteered to serve in the Georgia State Guards; however, the 1946, reorganization of the Georgia National Guard jeopardized the future of the Georgia State Guard and its female volunteers. Brig. Gen. Marvin Griffin, Georgia's Adjutant General, observed that, "Unless plans change, there will be no provision for women enlisting in the National Guard."

Helen Mankin, LOC.

Understandably, this did not sit well with Day’s fellow servicewoman, Tech 3 Edna Harbin, who wrote to her representative in Congress to advocate the position of women in the National Guard. Her congresswoman, Helen Mankin concurred. 

Mankin, the second congresswoman in Georgia’s history, had served as an ambulance driver in World War I. Among those testifying on behalf of Harbin and Day were their former battalion commander, Lt. Col Frank Fling, who noted that the women had performed exceptionally well during their tenure with the 4th Battalion.[9]

The Georgia State Guard disbanded April 21, 1947, and with it, went the authorizations for female service members.[10] It would be nine years before uniformed female service members would rejoin the Ga. DoD, and another 28 years after that before the reestablishment of the Georgia State Guard as the State Defense Force.[11]

Very little is known about Day’s life after her service in the Ga. State Guard. Shortly after the end of the war she married Hencil Ring, vice president of the Roanoke City Mills in Virginia. Ring died in 1947 and Mildred never remarried. She died July 14, 1975 in Clearwater, Fla. and is buried in College Park Cemetery in Atlanta beside her parents.

Midred Evelyn Day-Ring rests beside her parents in College Park Cemetery. Photo by Maj. William Carraway.


[1] GO No. 13, Military Department, State of Georgia Oct 7, 1941.

[3] "Local State Guard Needs Recruits for Replacements." West Point News, April 13, 1944.

[4] "Women to Aid State Guard Under New Plan.” Atlanta Constitution, January 21, 1945, 20.

[6] The Napsonian. Atlanta, GA: North Atlanta Presbyterian School, 1931, 7.

[7] "Guard’s ‘Minute Women’ Face Loss of Jobs Soon." The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, May 1946, 7.

[8] "Guard’s ‘Minute Women’ Face Loss of Jobs Soon." The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, May 1946, 7.

[10] “Thompson Ends State Guard.” Atlanta Constitution, April 20, 1947, 23.

[11] “New State Defense Force will respond to emergencies if Guard mobilized.” The Georgia Guardsman Magazine, August 1985, 3.

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